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3 Feb, 2021

From Director of Production to Interim Managing Director

By |Feb 3, 2021|Bringing Backstage Forward, Center News, Meet The PAC Staff|Comments Off on From Director of Production to Interim Managing Director

A post by Interim Managing Director Christy Havard Some months ago, The PAC started a project we called “Bringing Backstage Forward.” The idea was to have the production staff create content that would let our audiences get a glimpse of [...]

2 Sep, 2020

This is What Essential Means at The PAC

By |Sep 2, 2020|The PAC in Your Living Room|Comments Off on This is What Essential Means at The PAC

A post from Seth Soloway, Director of The Performing Arts Center, Purchase College Today is August 31, the first day of classes at Purchase College. So I’m here, watching us get underway and supervising. And I’ve watched Christy Havard, Director [...]

30 Jun, 2020

Community Partner Stories: Dr. Evelyn Collins

By |Jun 30, 2020|Community Partners, The PAC in Your Living Room|Comments Off on Community Partner Stories: Dr. Evelyn Collins

For a number of years now, The Performing Arts Center has watched with admiration as the wonderful work of Dr. Evelyn Collins and her extraordinarily talented students and staff have developed a powerful program of performing and visual arts teaching, [...]

18 Jun, 2020

Spotlight on Black Choreographers

By |Jun 18, 2020|Black Choreographers, The PAC in Your Living Room|Comments Off on Spotlight on Black Choreographers

From the Jim Crow era to the modern-day Black Lives Matter movement, black creators have used their art to discuss topics like racial inequality and white privilege, as well as celebrate Black communities and experiences. Since Asadata Dafora first brought [...]

28 Apr, 2020

Backstage with Christy Havard, Director of Production: Theater Superstitions

By |Apr 28, 2020|Behind the Scenes|Comments Off on Backstage with Christy Havard, Director of Production: Theater Superstitions

Theater is a magical place full of wonder and mystery – and superstitions. Some of these have been around for centuries, and are taken VERY seriously backstage. Here are just a few… Break a Leg! This is one of the [...]

21 Apr, 2020

Keeping the Arts Thriving During This Time of Social Distancing

By |Apr 21, 2020|Coffee Hour|Comments Off on Keeping the Arts Thriving During This Time of Social Distancing

On April 17, fifty artists, presenters, and agents gathered for our first Coffee Hour Conversation, an informal virtual chat about the challenges and opportunities facing the performing arts industry during these complicated times. The conversation, titled Keep the Arts Thriving: [...]

20 Feb, 2020

Five Questions for “Air Play” creator Christina Gelsone

By |Feb 20, 2020|2019-2020 Season|Comments Off on Five Questions for “Air Play” creator Christina Gelsone

Christina Gelsone, creator and performer of Air Play, took some time out of her busy schedule (via email, from hot, wet, monsoon season in Singapore!) to answer a few questions about this circus-meets-science performance that is heading to The Purchase [...]

5 Feb, 2020

Sometimes Dressing Rooms are Not Just for Dressing…

By |Feb 5, 2020|Behind the Scenes|Comments Off on Sometimes Dressing Rooms are Not Just for Dressing…

Backstage with Christy Havard, Director of Production As we all know dressing rooms are for actors, dancers, and all other artists to change into their costumes, study their lines, shower, rest and relax between scenes or pieces. Well, I thought [...]