How to Survive Middle School / Robert Post

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How to Survive Middle School /  Robert Post
How to Survive Middle School / Robert Post

January 30, 2018

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Box Office Hours
July 1: 10am to 1pm
July 3 – August 23:
Wednesdays & Fridays
2pm – 5pm

This performance is for school groups only.
Recommended for Grades: 5-8

Comedian Robert Post barely survived middle school. Struggling because of various learning disabilities, he found that making people laugh saved him. This brand-new multimedia performance — presenting real issues affecting students today, including social media, testing, bullying, and peer pressure – uses video testimonials by students and their advocates, along with a generous dose of Post’s signature humor, to engage students and adults alike.

One of Robert Post’s childhood report cards in Columbus, Ohio, gave a hint as to how his future might unfold. Not amused by Robert’s antics, his teacher created a whole new column of categories describing maladaptive behavior. Happily for audiences around the world, Post stuck with antics. The result: a dazzling performance that’s sure to speak directly to student audiences and beyond.