
About mara.rupners

15 Feb, 2022

What the heck is “tech”?

By |Feb 15, 2022|Bringing Backstage Forward, PAC News & Notes|Comments Off on What the heck is “tech”?

  The Facilities Rentals page of our website proudly proclaims: “There is no better place for tech.” Most of us have heard the expression “tech rehearsal” or “the show is in tech,” but what exactly does this mean? Christy Havard, [...]

15 Feb, 2022

Community is at the Heart of What We Do

By |Feb 15, 2022|PAC News & Notes|Comments Off on Community is at the Heart of What We Do

(February 2022) Speaking at the opening plenary of the Association of Performing Arts Presenters conference recently, Ben Cameron, President of the Jerome Foundation, said that “the lasting impact of the last 22 months may not lie solely in our artistic [...]