
About mara.rupners

30 Apr, 2019

5 Questions for CMS of Lincoln Center

By |Apr 30, 2019|2018-2019 Season|Comments Off on 5 Questions for CMS of Lincoln Center

On May 4th at The PAC, The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center will be performing Deeply Inspired. This music comes from a composer's most personal space creating an emotional packed night of classical music. In preparation for such a [...]

22 Mar, 2019

Creating Something Extraordinary: Daniel Kelly’s “Dreams & New Worlds”

By |Mar 22, 2019|2018-2019 Season|Comments Off on Creating Something Extraordinary: Daniel Kelly’s “Dreams & New Worlds”

Day in and day out, artists take to our stages, presenting work that is beautiful, touching, inspiring, funny, smart, and challenging. Frequently, we are simply the presenter, making things happen behind the scenes so that the show can go on. [...]

8 Mar, 2019

Five Questions for Portland Cello Project

By |Mar 8, 2019|2018-2019 Season|Comments Off on Five Questions for Portland Cello Project

At The Purchase PAC on March 23, Portland’s premiere alt-classical group, Portland Cello Project, will bring a huge, orchestral ensemble to perform an entire program in homage to Radiohead. We asked Portland Cello Project's Diane Chaplin some questions about the [...]