Pilobolus – Rules @ Play, Virtual Edition
This trip was presented as part of our 2021-2022 season and is not currently available.
Suggested for grades 3-12
Pilobolus is a rebellious dance company. Since 1971, Pilobolus has tested the limits of human physicality to explore the beauty and the power of connected bodies. Now, in our digitally-driven and increasingly mediated landscape, they also reach beyond performance to teach people how to connect through designed live experiences. Rules @ Play, Virtual Edition is a lively, interactive show created specifically for young audiences.
Throughout life we all encounter rules, and we usually view them negatively. Rules @ Play explores how rules actually present opportunities to solve problems and overcome challenges. They spark creativity and, in our case, give us tools to make dances.
Fun, engaging and accessible, Pilobolus dancers perform and analyze four of the company’s favorite works through movement and discussion on and off stage, showcasing the benefits of playing by the rules.
Your trip includes:
This virtual field trip consists of one, full-length video of Pilobolus’ well-loved Rules@Play program. Suggested chapter breaks are available on request.
NYS Learning Standards: The Arts 2, 3; ELA 1,2,3
Common Core Standards: ELA-Literacy; RH. 6-8:4,5,6
National Core Arts Standards: Responding, Connecting
Learning Connections: Interpersonal Relationships, Character Development, Movement, Dance, Social-Emotional Learning.